You’ve decided to partner with Double the Donation to get the most out of your gifts from your donors and it’s time to integrate it into your giving pages! It’s a simple process, so let’s get started.
Setting up the Integration
In order to set up the integration you’ll need to gather some information from Double the Donation first. This article on the Double the Donation website will help you to locate your Public and Private API keys that you will need to set up this integration.
Once you have both the public and private API keys, in RaiseDonors, you’ll need to select settings then integrations to set up the integration.
Once you’ve selected integrations you should see Double the Donation as an option on your screen. Select the Double the Donation box.
Once you’ve selected Double the Donation, you can now enter the Public and Private API keys that you retrieved from your instance. Enter them on this screen. You will also have the option to set the integration as active and choose if you want test transactions to also go to Double the Donation.
Be sure to select Save Changes to enable the integration! You’re now ready to add this to your giving forms.
How to add to a giving form
Once you’ve set up the Double the Donation integration, you’ll need to add it to your giving forms. First thing you will need to navigate to the giving form you want to add this feature to in Raise Donors. Once on the giving page, you’ll find the section you want to add it to and select the plus sign in the upper right corner of the section. From here, you’ll select the giving tab, then Double the Donation.
Once you’ve added the Double the Donation section, be sure to save and update your form and it’s ready to use!
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