This article will explain how to enable ACH in the Payment Block of a donation form in Raise Donors in a “plaid-like” experience or a direct entry method.
Enable ACH on a form
Navigate to the Fundraise section in the main menu. Select the three dots next to the form (or donation page) you wish to edit. Once you select Edit from the options, the three steps discussed during the creation process of a form (or page) will appear. Navigate to the Build step and locate the section that has the Payment Block.
After selecting anywhere on the Payment Block, click the Settings menu tab to the right of the form block. There you can select any combination of Card, Bank (for ACH), or Wallets as options for donors to choose on your form.
Display Options
After enabling ACH (the Bank option) on the Payment Block of your Form, each donor will be presented with two options for entering their bank account information. The default version will give them the option to “search” for their bank account via their email address, name, and Bank OR enter their bank details manually.
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