Sometimes your organization may have multiple RaiseDonors accounts to manage your giving pages. In this case, it will be necessary for you to be able to switch between accounts.
There are two ways that you can switch accounts in RaiseDonors.
First, you can select the organization by clicking on your current organization name in the bottom left corner of the navigation bar.
Once you’ve selected the organization in the bottom left, a new sidebar will appear allowing you to choose another organization (you must be a part of that organization though!).
The other way that you can switch between organizations is to go to your profile in the upper right corner of the page. You will first select your profile picture and in the drop down you will see the organization you’re currently in and select that.
From there, it will take you to the same screen as from the navigation bar to select your organization.
Now you know how to switch organizations in RaiseDonors!
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