In RaiseDonors, the Donor Portal serves as the access point for your supporters to review and manage their donations and payment details on file. If your organization uses both RaiseDonors and Virtuous CRM as a paired solution, there are a few nuances to be aware of. This article will outline what functions are available in the RaiseDonors Donor Portal.
Table of Contents
- Update Personal Details
- Edit Recurring Gifts
- Review Giving History
- Review Statements
- Contact Your Team
Please note that donors who wish to update their payment method on file for a recurring gift must make this change themselves via the portal; your staff will not have access to update stored payment method information. Should a donor call on the phone and wish to make a change, it's best to walk them through the process of setting up their account (if they have not already) and making the change.
To learn more about how a donor can access their Donor Portal, check out this Support Article.
To learn more about importing Donor data to RaiseDonors, check out this Support Article.
Update Personal Details
A Donor can manage the various personal details Email Address on file via the Donor Portal. Email on Donor Record can be changed in RD, which can then be pushed to the Donor Portal.
Edit Recurring Gifts
Depending on when and how a Donor originally set up their Recurring Gift, the available donor facing functionality may differ. A Donor has the ability to log in to their own Donor Portal and modify the details of their Recurring Gift as long as this Recurring Gift was originally established via RaiseDonors 2.0.
Note: If your organization migrated the Recurring Gift details in from a different processor, the Donor will not be able to manage the details associated with those Recurring Gifts via the Donor Portal.
Using the left hand menu, a Donor can select "Recurring Gifts" to review an updated list of all their Recurring Gifts.
To edit an existing Recurring Gift, the Donor will select "Modify", available to the right of the specific Recurring Gift needing attention.
On the next page, the Donor can modify the following details...
- Gift Amount
- Recurring Gift Frequency
- Next Charge Date
- Payment Method Details
After all the appropriate and updated details have been entered, the donor will select "Save Updated Information".
If the Donor wishes to cancel their Recurring Gift, they will select "Delete This Recurring Gift". A confirmation message will pop-up before this action can be successfully executed. To confirm, the Donor will select "OK".
Review Giving History
A Donor can review their full Giving History via the Donor Portal. This includes all their online donations like credit card payments and ACH, as well as offline donations such as cash or noncash Gifts.
Using the left hand menu, the Donor will select "Giving History". The next page will display their full Giving History.
Review Statements
If a Donor would like to review their previous Statements, they can use the left hand menu to select "Statements". Here, the Donor can review a full selection of their Statements and even chose to download and save them for their own records.
Contact Your Team
By selecting "Contact Us" from the left hand menu, they will be presented with a handful of ways to reach out and connect with your team. Directly in their Donor Portal, they can send your team a message or review the list of contact methods to chat with your team.
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