RaiseDonors has an open API available for your organization to work with. An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of defined rules that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. The RaiseDonors API acts as an intermediary, allowing your organization to access specific functionalities or data from RaiseDonors to interface with external systems and processes. The API is commonly used when building integrations between systems, automating workflows, or enabling third-party developers to extend the native functionality of the RaiseDonors application. By providing streamlined and standardized access to complex systems, using the RaiseDonors API can save time, reduce errors, and foster innovation.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Before working with the RaiseDonors API, it's recommended to review the API documentation in detail. This article is a high level summary of the material available in the linked API documentation.
You can access the full API documentation via this link. Here, you can find guidance for use of Webhooks, Obsolete Endpoints, and more.
All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail. Authentication is done through API Keys, these keys are static and are valid for 15 years.
Best Practices
We have just a few tips to follow to ensure a great experience with our API.
1. Webhooks
Want to know when an object like a Donor, Gift, or Project is updated? Use our webhooks! Don't query for new or updated gifts. Use Webhooks and we'll tell you when something has been created or updated in real-time. You can learn more about Webhooks here.
2. Obsolete Endpoints
Endpoints that have been obsoleted will be marked with "(obsolete)" and shouldn't be used (I know I know, might seem obvious right?). They will be removed in future releases.
3. Read the Response
If a call to an endpoint fails for one reason or another, be sure to read the returned message. Almost anytime you receive a status code other than 200 (success) you should receive a message explaining why that code was received. Please check these and make the corrections prior to reaching out to support.
Rate Limits
RaiseDonors utilizes throttling to prevent erroneous use of the API. The majority of users won't be affected by this, and if you follow the best practices you shouldn't be either!
Request Rate Limits
- Per Hour: 1,500
If you're wondering how to determine how many requests you've used in a given period, we've got you covered. The following headers will be returned with each request.
- X-RateLimit-Limit: The total rate limit (1,500/hour).
- X-RateLimit-Remaining: The total limit remaining.
- X-RateLimit-Reset: The timestamp of when the limit resets.
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