Occasionally a donor may contact you and ask to have their donation refunded for any number of reasons. When this happens, you’ll need to know how to refund that transaction within RaiseDonors.
Find the gift
In order to refund the gift you’ll first need to navigate to the gift. From your dashboard you’ll navigate to the gifts page through the navigation menu on the left.
This will take you to the gifts page where you can search for the gift you need to refund using the search bar within the gifts page.
Refund the gift
Once you’ve found the gift it’s time to refund it! On the right side of the gift information there are 3 dots- when you click those dots you’ll have a few options to choose from, including “refund.” We’re going to select refund.
Once you’ve selected to refund the gift you’ll get a warning box explaining the different scenarios that you may encounter with this gift and how it may get refunded.
Once you select the refund button in the warning box, the gift will be refunded. Once you return to the gift page the status of the gift will appear as Refunded.
Now that you know how to refund a gift you’re ready to honor your donors' requests!
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