Now that you have successfully built and customized your Giving Page, you may want to test the process your donor will go through when submitting a gift before you publish it live! You can do so by viewing your page in Test Mode. This mimics your Giving Page, the process of making a donation and sending a receipt, but without the ability to process actual financial transactions.
Enabling Test Mode
To view your Giving Page in Test Mode, you must first save and publish your Page by clicking on the dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner.
Next, click the settings icon in the Page Builder, and scroll past settings until you reach Test Mode. If you copy, paste, and open the URL, you’ll be taken to the Test Mode version of your page.
To enable "Test Mode" for a specific page without going into settings, include the optional parameter "?isTesting=true" in the URL for the donation page.
For example, if your donation page URL is:
Add the above parameter to the URL to make it as follows:
It's important to note that the first parameter is prepended with "?"
Please note: You must ensure this parameter is removed when you are ready to share and take the page live.
Once you open your Giving Page URL, you’ll see a banner at the top of the page reminding you that you are in Test Mode.
To test the giving process, scroll down and start entering information. You can enter as much as or little information as you want, but be sure that you include payment information. Click here for a list of test payment options available through Stripe. Also, include the email address if you wish to receive a test version of the confirmation email. Once your test transaction is processed, you’ll see a confirmation message on your Giving Page.
Viewing Test Transactions
To view the test transaction you just made on your Gifts Dashboard, you will also need to set your account to Test Mode. Click the avatar in the top right corner, then Manage Account. Scroll to the bottom of this page and toggle Test Mode "on". When engaged, this hides all real giving data in RaiseDonors and only shows entered test data. Once you click Save Changes, you will see a banner at the top of the screen reminding you that test data has been enabled for your account.
Navigate back to your Gifts Dashboard to see the test donation you just made at the top of the page. Click the Gift ID to view all details of your test transaction. Also, all email addresses you included in the form will receive a copy of the test gift receipt.
When you’re ready to turn off Test Mode, you can either return to your account settings and toggle it off there, or click Turn Off in the top right banner at the top of the page.
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