You may have some long time donors that rely on you to update their recurring giving. This article will walk you through the process of editing a recurring gift. An important aspect to keep in mind is that this will only edit future payments on the recurring gift and will not change past payments.
Locating the Recurring Gift
You can do this two ways. The first is by going to the gifts page and locating the recurring gift by selecting the recurring gift tab and searching for the gift.
You can also locate the recurring gift by going to the donors record within RaiseDonors. You’ll select the Donors tab in the navigation menu on the left then you can search for the donor. Once on the donor record you can select the Recurring gifts tab and edit the schedule.
Editing the Recurring Gift
Once you’ve found the recurring gift, you can begin editing it. You’ll start by clicking the three dots to the right of the gift, then selecting Edit.
This will bring you to the main editing screen for the recurring gift.
On this screen you can:
- Edit the Frequency of the recurring gift
- Edit the next charge date
- Edit the project designations
- Add or remove the donor covers cost selection
You can also select additional details at the top of the page.
On the additional details page you can update information about the gift that don’t influence the charging of the gift like:
- The donation page you want associated with the gift
- The Segment code
- The premium associated with the recurring gift
- CRM Key
- Notes about the gift
Finally, you can also edit the card information for when a donor gets a new card or their previous card expires.
You’ll notice on all of the editing screens of the recurring gift that you also have the option to end the recurring gift or transfer the recurring gift to another donor in your database. Be sure that you check your work to ensure you’re following the wishes of your donors then click Save Changes and your recurring gift will be updated!
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