There are times when you want to give an incentive for giving a certain size gift to your organization. Maybe you’re having a back-to-school drive and have different tiers of gifts or, you send a special gift for anyone who sets up a recurring gift. Any way you look at it, having the ability to add premiums to giving pages is an advantage. We’re going to look at how to create a premium and the different options you have.
Getting Started
To begin, you’ll select premiums in the navigation bar on the left of your RaiseDonors 2.0 dashboard. Once you select that you’ll be taken to the all premiums screen. On this screen, you’ll see a list of any existing premiums that you can edit by clicking the three dots to the right of the premium and, you can create a new premium by selecting the New Premium button in the top right of the page.
Creating or editing a premium
Once you’re on the premium page, you have a lot of options for customization.
- Image: You can upload an image of what your premium looks like to give donors an incentive to earn that premium
- Name: This will show on the Giving form if you choose to include it
- Name (short): this will not show in the giving form
- Code: This is the SKU for the premium. You can choose to include it in the giving form if you would like
- Description: Include a description of this product. You may choose to include what donors need to do in order to qualify for that premium or you may provide a description of what they will receive.
- Minimum Donation Amount: This is the minimum amount a donor must donate to qualify for this premium.
- Fair Market Value: This will be the non-taxable value of the premium.
- Inventory: This allows you to set a number of items you have for this premium. In the notifications tab of your RaiseDonors settings, you can set who to notify when a premium drops below 10
Additional settings available on a premium
- Keep premium active on gift pages when inventory is low: Unless this is toggled on, premiums will be removed from giving pages when the inventory is below 5.
- Specify a premium for future recurring gifts: Unless otherwise specified a donor would only receive a premium with the first gift of a recurring gift. However, you can choose to have a premium that will carry through the recurring gift.
Now that you’ve learned how to create and edit a premium, select SAVE and then head over to this article to learn how to add the premium to your giving forms.
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