One of the benefits of using Virtuous Payments is simplified reconciliation. This will allow you to view and print reconciliation deposit reports by batch date, transaction, and amount for a given date range. Accessing this information is slightly different depending on if your organization is using Virtuous CRM alongside RaiseDonors and Virtuous Payments.
Using RaiseDonors and Virtuous CRM
If your organization is using both RaiseDonors and Virtuous CRM as a paired solution, you'll be able to access all reconciliation details in VCRM. To learn more about the reconciliation process in Virtuous, check out this Virtuous CRM Support Article.
Using RaiseDonors and an External CRM
If your organization is using RaiseDonors as a standalone platform or in conjunction with a different CRM, you can access reconciliation details directly in RaiseDonors. Navigate to Gifts in the main menu on the left. On the main Gifts page, select the All Gifts tab. This table displays all of the gift transactions stored in your RaiseDonors account including the payout information, gift dates, amounts, and donor information.
In the top right corner, start by filtering down this list of Gifts to the appropriate dates you wish to reconcile. Choose whatever parameters you like including the gifts Create Date and payment Gateway.
After filtering the table down to the desired Gifts you wish to view, you can Schedule as an Export or click the export icon next to the filter button.
Exporting this data will provide you with numerous fields of information related to the gifts to include in your payouts export. Select the necessary fields such as the gift Amount and Donor Name along with the Project(s) the gifts were designated to. These Projects the gifts are designated to is the payout information you are looking for. Since RaiseDonors stores the donor paid credit card costs in the Projects feature, this data will provide the necessary breakdown of payout information to reconcile your gifts with your payment provider.
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