The Donor Portal serves as the access point for your supporters to review and manage their donations and payment details on file. Donors can access their Donor Portal in a few different ways, detailed below.
Please note that donors who wish to update their payment method on file for a recurring gift can make this change themselves via the portal. Your staff can update the payment method on the admin side by navigating to the recurring gift detail view, selecting Modify Schedule, and then the Payments tab.
Should a donor call on the phone and wish to make a change, it's best to walk them through the process of setting up their account (if they have not already) and making the change.
Automatic Invites for Donors to Register
Add a button that links to the donor portal at the bottom of the confirmation section of a donation form or at bottom of a confirmation email the donor receives. When the donor clicks that link, RaiseDonors will know (based on their email) if they've ever used the portal before.
- If this is their first time to the donor portal, they will be prompted to create a password.
- If they are returning, it will prompt them for their password (the donor can always reset their password if they've forgotten it).
Manual Invites for Donors to Register
You can manually generate an email to a donor from RaiseDonors inviting them to log in to the portal. If a donor calls and has never been to the portal or has forgotten how to access it, you can have RaiseDonors send an email inviting them to log in. To do so, go to the 'Donors' tab and navigate to the specific donor’s profile. Once there, click Actions and then the Resend Link to Donor Portal.
Ways To Access Your Donor Portal as a RaiseDonors User
- Navigate to Settings from the main menu on the left and under System Settings, click on Donor Portal Settings. you first see 'Organization Information'. At the bottom of that page, it lists your RaiseDonors URLs.
- You can create a Donor Login button to house on your website. This option bridges the donor portal to your regular website.
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