When it comes to reporting on the data that lives in RaiseDonors there are a few terms that you'll see that are a bit specific - to help you to feel confident with the data you're reporting on, we've defined a few of the terms that you might see.
After creating an export you can find all exports by selecting the download icon in the upper right corner of any page in Raise Donors.
Glossary of Terms:
- Donors
- Gifts
- Recurring Gifts
- Users
To export donor data, navigate to Donors and then click the export icon to the right of the donors list.
Create Date: The date that the donor record was made [Ex. 4/17/21 17:55 which translates to April 17, 2021 at 5:55pm]
Donor Id: The unique ID number associated with each donor in RaiseDonors
Email: The email address associated with a donor
First Name: The first name of the donor
Middle Name: The middle name of the donor
Last Name: The last name of the donor
Last Modified Date: Indicates the last date and time the donor record was modified
Modified By User: Indicates the last person to modify the donor record
Phone: The phone number associated with a donor
Suffix: Follows a donor's name that provides additional information about them [Ex. John Doe Jr. or John Doe III]
Title: A word such as 'Mr,' 'Mrs,' or 'Doctor,' that is used before a donor's name in order to show their status or profession.
Address Information: Donor address fields
To export giving data, navigate to Gifts and then choose All Gifts. Then click the export icon to export data gift data.
Amount: The donation amount determined by project splits
Authorization Number: The payment processor ID for the transaction
Campaign: The Campaign that the gift is associated with (via the Segment that the gift was attributed to)
Comment: Comments entered at time of donation
Date: The date that the donation was made [Ex. 4/17/21 17:55 which translates to April 17, 2021 at 5:55pm]
Id: The unique ID number associated with each donation in RaiseDonors
Is Recurring: Indicates either a one time or a recurring donation (see below for Recurring Gift fields)
Is Tribute: Indicates the donation is for a Tribute
Project(s): The Project(s) the donation is designated to
Recurring Gift: The ID of the Recurring Gift commitment this donation is a payment towards
Segment: Indicates the specific segment inside a Campaign that the donation came from [what motivated the donor to give]
Status: The donation status - approved or declined
Tender Type Info: Indicates the type of payment [Ex. credit card or ACH]
Transaction Id: The unique ID number associated with each donation's specific transaction in RaiseDonors
Billing Address Information: Address fields for a donor billing address
Shipping Address Information: The address information for the address where a donor wishes to receive shipments of goods
Tribute Name: Indicates the person or circumstances that are being honored through a donation
Tribute Type: Either in honor of or in memory of
Acknowledgee Email: Email address of the person a donor wishes to acknowledge in a Tribute
Acknowledgee Name: Name of the person a donor is acknowledging in a Tribute
Acknowledgement Message: A message to the person a donor is acknowledging in a Tribute
Acknowledgement Method: Either email or postal delivery method of the Acknowledgement Message.
Premium Id: The code associated with a premium
Premium Name: The name of the premium
Recurring Gifts
To export giving data, navigate to Gifts and then choose Recurring Gifts. Then click the export icon to export data recurring gift data.
Amount: The amount of the recurring gift
Donor: The name of the person that committed to the recurring gift
Frequency: Indicates the frequency of the recurring gift [Ex. monthly, quarterly, etc]
Next Charge Date: Indicates the next expected payment date of the recurring donation
Profile Number: The unique ID number associated with each donors recurring donation profile in RaiseDonors
Status: Indicates the status of the recurring donation [Ex. active, terminated, cancelled]
Billing Address: Address fields for a donor billing address
Shipping Address:The address information for the address where a donor wishes to receive shipments of goods
To download the users in Raise Donors navigate to Settings then Account Users. From there, select the Download Users button in the upper right corner.
The export is not customizable but the fields that show in the export are:
First Name: The first name of the user
Last Name: The last name of the user
Email: The user email
Is Locked Out: True/False field to indicate if the user is currently locked out of Raise Donors
Lifetime Login Count: Number of times the user has logged in to Raise Donors
Date Created: The date the user was created in Raise Donors
Last Login: The date the user last logged into Raise Donors
Last IP Address: The IP Address from which the user last logged into Raise Donors
Multifactor Authentication Status: This field indicates whether Multifactor Authentication is enabled or not enabled
User Permissions: List of user permissions by user