When merging two accounts you'll have two donor records:
- The Master Record: the one you want to keep
- The Duplicate Record: the one you want to remove
Note: Deleting a donor without merging will result in donations and recurring donations connected with that donor profile to be deleted as well. Deleting a donor is an irreversible action and donation data cannot be restored once it is deleted. Use the merge function before deleting a donor to retain any donation data.
Step 1
To merge the Duplicate Record into the Master Record, you'll need the Duplicate Record's ID.
To find a Donor ID:
- Go to the Donors section.
- Search for the donor.
- Open the donor's record.
- The Donor ID is listed on the left hand side under the donor’s name.
Step 2
Next, in the upper right of that box, select Actions > Merge Donor.
Step 3
You’ll see a modal open where you can enter the ID of the donor you would like to merge with the donor selected (the Master Record).
Step 4
In the lower right, press the Preview Merge button. You will be shown a comparison of Gifts, Recurring Gift Schedules, and LTD Giving for both records
The first record is the Duplicate Record and the second is the Master Record it will be merged into should you move forward.
Step 5
If everything looks good, click the Accept Donor Merge button to complete the process.
Things to note:
The Master Donor's CRM keys, contact information, and addresses will not change. Only Gifts, Recurring Gift schedules, and activities are migrated from the Duplicate Record into the Master Donor record. The Duplicate Donor record is marked as deleted and will no longer be available in RaiseDonors.
This is important for CRM integrations that leverage the "CRM Key" field in a donor’s profile. Again, the CRM key will remain as-is for both the Master and Duplicate Donor records.
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